Franchise Setup Problem

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #521023

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    Post count: 5

    Hi. I feel like I am spinning my wheels trying to figure out a problem I’m having with the Franchise Manager and GeoDirectory.

    Perhaps there is a solution that I’m just not thinking of but I can’t seem to figure out how to do a specific thing.

    Here is what I am wanting.

    This is a graphic example of the listing page we currently have. We have multiple levels of different packages (using the pricing manager plugin).

    When a package is purchased it creates a listing with a category for each listing. (I used a combination of javascript and exclude categories to force it to add a category depending on the level of package purchase)

    We use that category to split up our Directory by package as seen here.

    These are meant to be the main listings for each client/company.

    What we would like is that if you click on one of these listings (say company 1) and go to their listing page – that the listing page for the main listing lists all their franchises as well – like the image below.


    Unfortunately right now when you create a franchise it sets it to the same category as the main listing. And lists the franchise on the main listing page. This is a problem because some of our companies will have hundreds of franchises.

    It could very be well I’ve just set this all up wrong, or maybe I’m missing a step, ect. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

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    Thanks, Team GeoDirectory!

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