I have a need to be able to add multiple locations and an employee list with “employee services” by category.
For example, I have 200 hundred Offices Nationally.
One primary listing and 199 franchise offices
In each office I have numerous employees with distinct services functions.
For example:
1. Accounting
2. Underwriter – Transportation
3. Underwriter – Workers Compensation
And so on….
The primary CTP is say “Managing General Agency” with 200 offices and 500 employees.
I need to be able to find the Managing General Agency that offers those specific categories and then locate the Underwriter that handles that product in a search.
How can I accomplish this? Would I simply supply the Managing General Agency with a discount coupon for adding offices, so that I can re-label “franchise” to Employee List?
It seems that I would need a Employee Directory for each Office location along with the necessary fields and categories.
Is this even possible?
Best regards,