Front-End Author Page

This topic contains 17 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Author
  • #4522

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hi, how do I enable the Front-End Author Page? I do not show the author in my listing nor is there a widget.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    HI the GD > Login box allows you to visit the front end dashboard where a list of your listings is available and you can edit, upgrade or delete their listings.

    To show the author, you will need to modify the template of the lideting details page.

    The new version that we are currently testing to hopefully release later today or tomorrow the latest will allow you to add any element via a simple code snippet in your theme functions.php file.

    We will provide you examples after we release the updated plugin.



    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Sorry Paolo, I am referring to a feature you explicitly list, this should not require modification:


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    and that is what I referred to, you can access it via the login box:

    and so on…

    We will improve it greatly very soon adding avatar, bio and custom fields.



    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I understand now how you define author page and how i define author page – slightly different. Your definition is that of an Author Dashboard, not an actual page in the WP definition, the screen shot now that I know it also mentions so.

    I need an Author page that follows the description of the Author page:

    “The Author page is is identical to the listings page, composed of 5 sections. It can show listings added by a user and also his favourite listings.”

    So, I guess this means the addition of a author-page template?

    When can we expect that to be delivered as per your feature description?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I think the described Author page is for use by someone who has “authored” one, or more, listings. When that person has logged into their dashboard, as shown in the link you provided, and then click on either the “My Places”, or “My Events” link they will see a list of their places or events in the format described.

    Is that working?


    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Yes, the front-end dashboard is working, though that has nothing to donwith the feature description, the purpose of my post. I require that, similar to what exists in GT.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi again,

    the author page correspond to what described. You can find the widgets controlling it in Appearance >> Widgets and GeoDirectory >> Design >> Author to control which area is active and which not, just like the listings page.



    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I beg to differ.

    A page is very clearly defined in the WP community:

    If you have a different definition, you should make buyers of your product aware of that prior. For my setup to work I will need an actual page and would want you to either provide this as mentioned in your features or to provide documentation that shows how to accomplish that (I have read that you are working on documentation and think it would be great if you could release what has been completed so far – that will surely be better than the current documentation)


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I bag to differ.

    Author page is very clearly defined in the WP community:

    even google clearly knows about it.

    To modify the author page, you need to move a copy of geodirectory/geodirectory-templates/geodir-author.php inside your child theme.

    Change this at the top of the file


    // get header


     * Template Name: Author Page
    // get header

    Create the regular wordpress page you want and use the template Author Page.

    At this point you will have your page using that template. If you need to modify anything, you can modify the code inside the template.

    Vikas is working on Shortcodes, so very soon you should be able to use that template on any page you want, without having to do the above.

    Thank you


    Free User
    Post count: 52

    hi paolo,

    well, the usage is just very different in the plugin currently to what can be read in your link:

    For instance, when a viewer clicks on a link to a post author, by default he or she is taken to a page listing the posts from that particular author in chronological order, from newest posts at the top to oldest at the bottom.

    This functionality currently simply doesn’t exist. Anyhow, thanks a lot for the instructions, I am sure I will get the author page now up and running as expected – the only issue will be linking to it form the listing…

    mille grazie


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi again Nvoi, I probably didn’t explain this correctly. I asked Vikas to jump in ths topic and explain the correct procedure.


    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hi paolo, in another thread vikas said that there will be an author listing page coming. That’s really very much appreciated as I currently do not know how to link a listing to an author profile. Furthermore, it’s nothing else than an archive, I would need a description, image and ideally further fields…


    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I said it in this thread too. We want to make a real profile page with tabs showing reviews, listings an avatar a bio, contact information and also a searchable members directory.

    Many things will come in the near future. When exactly I can’t tell though…

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