Further Issues & Observations Beta Events Plugin

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  getawaydigital 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #35535

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    Post count: 211

    I rushed into testing the beta over the weekend and may not have been totally clear as to the issues I was experiencing as I had missed some of the setting in the design section of Geodirectory so I have spent a little more time testing and in the main menu at http://test.love-weymouth.co.uk you will see two links.

    Test Place CPT

    I created a business in the Places CPT.

    Added two events. The first was non occurring the second custom recurring

    Both these events when added were linked to business. When adding entry the name of the business was on list when clicking on the link business drop down.

    All the events are showing fine on the events tab on the business entry other than not being in date order of upcoming because there is no upcoming option in Geodirectory>Design>Detail>Linked events setting

    When clicking on the link View All Events in “Business Name” above the events in the tab a sorted in upcoming order list of events for that venue shows just as I would expect.

    Test Things to Do CPT

    I created a business in the Things to Do CPT.

    Added two events. The first was non occurring the second custom recurring

    Both these events when added were linked to business. When adding entry the name of the business was not on the list when clicking on the link business drop down however adding the business name in the search box brought it up and I could select it. It would be much more user friendly if the business names from custom post types showed on the list as they do when business is in Places CPT I worry users will get confused by this.

    All the events are showing fine on the events tab on the business entry other than not being in date order of upcoming because there is no upcoming option in Geodirectory>Design>Detail>Linked events setting

    When clicking on the link View All Events in “Business Name” the page you go to is a page that returns all the events on the site rather than just the ones for this business

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