Hey guys,
Having an issue with Geodirectory and Geo My Wp. It seems as though the plugins are conflicting with each other. When Geo Directory is active, the address fields within the geomywp don’t work properly. The google auto address doesn’t work and adding an address to the users profile defaults to Nevada every time.
However, Geo Directory does seem to still be working fine when both plugins are active.
I was able to successfully change the user location as the administrator in the back end but, I need the user to be able to input their address themselves.
I tried an old snippet you guys gave me for a different site I made and it did not resolve the issue. In fact when I activated the snippet, all it did was break the selection css for the profile fields. In other words the bullet selector next to “Gender” disappears and the other issue persist.
This is the old snippet I used:
function _geowp_dequeue_maps_api() {
wp_dequeue_script( ‘google-maps’ );
wp_deregister_script( ‘chosen’ );
wp_register_script(‘chosen’, geodir_plugin_url() . ‘/geodirectory-assets/js/chosen.jquery.min.js’, array(), GEODIRECTORY_VERSION);
add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘_geowp_dequeue_maps_api’, 100 );
Any ideas on how to fix the conflict and be able to use both geolocation plugins??