GD and WP Beaver Builder Working Together

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Both WP Beaver Builder Page Builder plugin (BB) and GD are rising stars in WP site development and both plugins claim to play well with others. I’ve read through the forum posts related to BB and many answers were marked private. That helps those but not the rest of us that are stuck with a “did we make a right decision” expecting them to work together to make a well styled site. We must style our GD site and short of bringing on php and css experts, the BB plugin was an (educated) choice.

    But we’re stuck at start mode, no compatibility whatsoever when it comes to styling any input or output of GD and have been looking for the key to get these two plugins to work together. We hope to use their blank theme and start fresh.

    Is it possible to do a public summary of BB/GD issues solved?

    We are working localhost but can upload our clean WP build to hosted site if helpful.


    Post count: 29970

    GD “pages” are not build using normal theme templates, but the content is created by the plugin (not the theme). So all you need to do is go to GD > Design and set the basic layout for the pages (top, bottom, sidebar sections) and then add widgets to those sections.
    The only thing that ends up on GD pages from your theme design is the header and footer.

    I am not familiar with Beaver Builder, but I am assuming it helps building WP theme templates, rather than GD plugin templates. BB cannot design GD “pages” because they are not pages.

    This is how to change GD templates:


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Beaver builder and GD can work together, but as Guust clearly explained, you cannot modify the layout of the directory using beaver builder.

    Beaver builder allows to create pages only. In this pages if you want you can add GD elements via shortcodes.

    That’s about it



    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    I’m on
    and the link just below #3 is a png graphic that is missing. Can you update that file?


    Post count: 29970

    Sorry about those missing images, I’ll get onto it straight away.

    EDIT: fixed

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