I don’t know what happened, but all the things that turned out to be working (https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/gd-booster-crashes-slider-revolution-essential-grid-other-theme-features/#post-360466) now don’t work anymore. I changed the site’s default language a few days ago, but don’t see how it could affect all of this.
When GD is enabled, on the home page and on the service page, I get this error in the console:
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
booster_js.php:30 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode
booster_js.php:1690 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).tpessential is not a function
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (booster_js.php:1690)
at i (booster_js.php:11)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (booster_js.php:11)
at Function.ready (booster_js.php:11)
at HTMLDocument.K (booster_js.php:11)
On the directory page, I get a bunch of these:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'setAnimation' of undefined
at animate_marker (booster_js.php?dir=>/>/booster_cache/fc35620…_plain.js,>/sitepress-multilin…:104)
at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (booster_js.php?dir=>/>/booster_cache/fc69a36…_plain.js,>/wp-fullcalendar/in…:1594)
at HTMLLIElement.handle (booster_js.php?dir=>/>/booster_cache/25f7377…_plain.js,>/>/booster_cache/3a…:12)
at HTMLLIElement.dispatch (booster_js.php?dir=>/>/booster_cache/25f7377…_plain.js,>/>/booster_cache/3a…:12)
at HTMLLIElement.r.handle (booster_js.php?dir=>/>/booster_cache/25f7377…_plain.js,>/>/booster_cache/3a…:12)
So now I had to disable GD Booster again. Can you please take a look ?