Thanks for that Paolo,
It seem’s to be working fine now when logged out, must have been the nginx fastcgi cache that was causing the problem for you, anyway sorted now.
Are you aware of any issues running fastcgi and booster together, looks like they are ok, just wanted to check.
Thanks for the advice regarding the plugins, I’ve already decided to code a css only nav menu and get rid of ubermenu, it is a resource hog.
I get the site to load in about 3.5s with isn’t too bad, were you seeing very long load times?
Wanguard and wordfence are just there to add extra security to my site, my site has been hacked a couple of times and Wordfence acts as a firewall / security plugin, it works great with little overhead. I’ll probably replace wanguard with your new gd recapcha plugin, sounds good.
As for the rest, most are very light weight and well coded, they don’t impact load time too much, but I’m always looking at alternatives and will probably try and code something specific to my site to reduce any overheads.
Thanks for the advice