GD Business Hours in CSV Place Import/Export

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paul Rogers 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #171018

    Paul Rogers
    Post count: 75

    I have the GD Business Hours plugin and I am wanting to know how to include the business hours data in CSV Plaes import?

    I am currently having to import a csv file, then export the imported data to CSV which I then ipiort into local database to match up the id with the exported records

    then I connect directly to the wordpress server’s MySQL database and create the business hours in the meta table using the imported id.

    It would be good to do this in one step through the CSV import. I can’t use the api because the Business hours is PHP serialized data
    A solution would be greatly appreciated.


    Post count: 188

    Hi Paul:

    Thanks for the input. I’ll have a look to see if the GeoDirectory import has filters for business hours and what is possible there.


    Post count: 188

    Hi Paul:

    I’ve had a look and there are no hooks available to make this possible. Stiofan and Paolo’s team would have to add a variety of features in order for me to reliably hook into it.


    Paul Rogers
    Post count: 75

    OK, Well thank you for looking, much appreciated

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