GD + Caching :: Feedback Wanted

This topic contains 30 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #404642

    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    I am on Cloudways as per your server recommendations. They have this Breeze caching. Do u recommend that? What about varnish? Thanks


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    @drsaw123 Please make a new support topic in the appropriate forum.



    Full Member
    Post count: 390

    I have tested both (paid versions). I have a map on the frontpage that is directly visible.

    With W3TC I’m getting sometimes load problems with the google map API, but I have not spent a lot of time in checking the problem.

    With WP Rocket I enabled all minify and combine options, but I had to exclude the following JS-Files:

    Works really good for me up to now.



    Eli B
    Expired Member
    Post count: 6

    I am on a sandbox, WP Super Cache + Autoptimize (using Avada theme) gives me bad scores due to issues with google maps.

    I have yet to try GD and see how that goes…

    It would be nice to see some head-to-head comparison.


    Eli B
    Expired Member
    Post count: 6

    Ok just to update:
    While this test isn’t really scientific…
    and while it’s only a demo website (WP 4.9, Avada 5.3) on shared hosting
    I have installed the GD demo material, didn’t change too much
    Installed latest WP Super Cache + Autoptimize following the documentation provided on this website and kept the rest default.
    Then I disabled WP Super Cache + Autoptimize and installed GD and kept all defaults.

    I ran tests using

    The results as follows:
    Fresh install no caching
    Performance 79, Load time 2.85 s, Page size 771.9 kB, Requests 44
    Biggest issue (besides my DNS):
    JavaScript files – ZERO SCORE
    62 Leverage browser caching
    65 Combine external CSS
    75 Remove query strings from static resources

    WP Super Cache + Autoptimize
    Performance 77, Load time 1.96 s, Page size 714.9 kB, Requests 20
    Biggest issue (besides my DNS):
    JavaScript files – ZERO SCORE
    25 Combine external CSS
    66 Leverage browser caching
    77 Remove query strings from static resources

    GD Booster
    Performance 86, Load time 1.98 s, Page size 721.5 kB, Requests 17
    Biggest issue (besides my DNS):
    54 Remove query strings from static resources
    72 Leverage browser caching
    79 Minimize request size


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Thanks for sharing your interesting results 🙂


    Himadri Goswami
    Expired Member
    Post count: 86

    Can somebody tell me best settings for WP rocket? When I install this, my ad listing page breaks


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    @Himadri i use it on one fo my sites but i stopped if from doing minification and used Autoptimize for that part.



    Post count: 42


    On google pagespeed i got much better results with WP Rocket compared to GD Booster (about 82 vs 66 points on desktop and 66 vs 60 on mobile). I used just WP Rocket without autooptimize. (With WP Super Cache + Autooptimize i got even less points on google pagespeed.) I basically enabled everything on WP Rocets “Basic” and “Static Files” section. Running on shared hosting at the moment.

    Stiofan, is there any WP Rocket settings that i should definately disable in your opinion? And what about Redis or Memcache, do you have any suggestion if this is wort trying and compatible with GD?

    Best regards


    Post count: 42

    Btw, on pingdom i got grade 75, page size 1,5mb with GD booster and grade 82, page size 1,2mb with WP Rocket.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Kris,

    You just have to try what works for you, for some the WP Rocket minification seems to break things but for others it works. Google pagespeeds is not a good metric to measure against, try just using something like pingdom speed test.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    What do u think about the easyengine script? And which route would u take? I have read so much about caching today that I am kinda confused. From what I understand if u deploy a easyengine script with caching u wouldnt need the plugin in the “frontend” right? Say if I deploy WP SUper cache image I wouldnt need the WP Super cache plugin therefore I would need to configure everything in the files themselves and then use the autoptimize plugin in the frontend correct?

    What if I want to use GD Booster? Should I deploy no cache at all or Nginx Cache? I remember reading somewhere that the GDBooster was a fork of the W3 total cache plugin… therefore deploying the w3 total cache image would screw the GD Booster in the frontend right?

    –Also when u use the GD Booster, do u need to add expired headers on the htaccess file? or does the GD booster take care of this in some other way? Is all of this exclusive to Apache or does it also apply to Nginx? I really wanna use nginx and deploy a wordpress image using easyengine, seems easy enough and very profesional.

    And what about just deploying the W3 total Cache image? Would that be enough or u also recommend using autoptimize on top of it?

    Help please! Which one would u recommend? Sorry I know its a lot of questions 😀


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    There really is no one answer, it depends what works best for you, just give one a try, i use different solutions on different sites.
    ( i have not used easyengine, but it looks like it does the same thing )



    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    From a logical point of view if a script deploys WP super cache I wouldnt need the plugin right? Or do u think it is a backend-frontend combo?

    Regarding GD booster itself since thats the one u are familiar with. How does it work on the backend for an Nginx server?

    —Does it take care of everything assuming u dont have any cache at all in the server level meaning u probably shouldnt config Nginx cache or Fast CGI at all?

    —Or does it asume u have some level of basic caching configured in the server and adds an extra boost to the website on top of it?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Sayllus,

    I’ve flagged your questions for Stiofan.

    He’ll reply asap.


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