GD details page does not show images and Info data

This topic contains 25 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    Hi Giacomo
    Just like you cannot get support for Windows 3.1 anymore or Netscape, older versions that have bugs in them are not supported by any software developer. This is not GD specific, it is best practice to replace software with bugs or security risks.
    If you stick to proven, well supported plugins like GD, WPML and Yoast, and you use all the latest versions, they will work together, and you will receive support.
    If you use a plugin that gives a conflict with GD, we will investigate if the bug is with GD or the other plugin. But it is your responsibility to find which plugin that may be; support is limited to what GD has created.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 235
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hi Guust ,

    I agree with you , It is my responsibility to find which plugin that may be; support should be limited to what GD has created. Anyway if Geodirecotory has problem with Yoast, because of Yoast , it is always a problem for customers that use and adopt Geodirectory. Customers will do a grat web site that never will be in the google index.

    Our problem occurred only when we installed the last verion of Yoast.
    You released the version installed on our server in septembre 2016, 5 months ago.
    Yesterday we installed the last version of Yoast compatible with the WP version we have,
    and currently we have the last version of WPML .

    Ciao giacomo


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    If I were in you, having 2 full time tech guys in your team, I’d updste at least all GD plugins (better if you update everything) and do a final round of testing asap, it is possible (if not probable) that everything will work out of the box.

    We have other members with GD + Yoast + WPML and their sites are up and running.

    In case there is any problem, either Stiofan or Kiran would quickly jump in and fix whatever we have to fix.

    Finally once you go live make sure to get a staging server right away.

    All this should be feasible in 1 day…



    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Dear Paolo,

    We bought your platform 2 years ago. We opened 97 bugs, more then 270 replies.

    I think that you should change your policy because you have to maintain at least for 1 year a version you release officially as several software company do. Instead In the last 2 years you have obliged your customers to continuously update and test the releases you released ( 4 releases in 4 months), the customer became your test team and for this reason we spend and we wasted a lot of our time.

    Is is absurd that you release a new version once a month or every 2 months and you want your customers to update otherwise you will never support customers.

    Every time you released a new version we have to spend at least 15 days to test it, to verify the regression test and to verify if the new version is still compatible with all the plug ins.
    Always the new version modifies the CSS , and we have to modify again all the CSS and responsiveness.

    we open 97 bugs in 20 months the prevented us from finalizing the project.

    Ciao giacomo


    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hi, our technicians found this frequent errors in the log files

    [Fri Jan 27 13:51:42.332058 2017] [:error] [pid 9695] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_share_this_button_code() in /var/www/ on line 460, referer:
    [Fri Jan 27 13:36:08.585184 2017] [:error] [pid 9695] [client] PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /var/www/ on line 262 and defined in /var/www/ on line 1285, referer:


    Site Admin
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hi paolo, this file was Corrupted by Yoast


    We replace it , and now every is again properly working.

    I hope we will continue to collaborate .

    I would like to have your advice. How can we speed up the Home page

    Google webmaster told me:

    Delete JavaScript and CSS What block Display In the content above-the-fold
    Your page presents 24 Resources script and CSS 33 Lock Resources. That causes a delay in the page display.
    State can not display any Content above-the-fold of the page without having to wait for the Following Resources loading. Try to defer or asynchronously load the block of resources or Embeds Fundamental parts of these resources directly in the HTML code.

    Do you know a plug in that does this?
    asynchronously load the block

    Thanks Giacomo


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That’s good news.

    The ideal solution would be a caching system like GD Booster or Wp Super Cache + Autooptimize, but I can tell you already that with that amount of plugins, it will be another nightmare to configure it and make it work well.


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