Were changes made how GD handles title tags? All of a sudden it seems like my category title tags are “messed up.”
I’m using Yoast’s plugin to better control title tags programmatically. Typically this follows a cascading method similar to CSS, allowing varying degrees of control from page level to programmatic based on a page/post type. Ultimately this will also overwrite the WP default methods if something has been entered into Yoast.
Now on category/subcategory pages, the city and category is being injected into the middle of the Yoast version, resulting in a low quality, spammy title tag.
Activity CPT in the Kids & Family category for McHenry, IL.
What I want:
Kids & Family – Activities – McHenry, IL | sitename
What I get:
Kids & Family – Activities – McHenry, IL Mchenry Kids Family | sitename
So GD appears to be applying changes after Yoast and injecting into the middle of the title, except McHenry is being spelled incorrectly and the “&” isn’t included for Kids & Family.
None of that really matters though. What I want is for it to apply it’s title tag insertions prior to Yoast and allowing Yoast to overwrite if need be.
At least that’s what I’m assuming is happening. If that’s the case, can it be corrected to allow Yoast to overwrite or is there a way I can turn this off?