GD Related Posts

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeff 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #305142

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    with the Related posts plugin, a Related Listing dropdown is added to a POST (Edit), at which time you can link any listings to that post. In doing so, when a person reviews the listing, the post appears in the Related Posts tab.

    However, how do you get the linked listing to show up (perhaps in a sidebar widget) in the Post?
    For example, I have a post discussing products and retailers who have listings in the directory. I want those listing links to be in the post since I’ve linked them.
    It should be a 2 way street, and it seems to be going 1 way unless i’m missing something. Please advise.


    Post count: 188

    Hi Sandra:

    You’re not missing anything. The plugin was designed this way intentionally, as you can link to places/listings easily while writing an article, using good keywords and the built-in editor. Putting the listings in the sidebar seems a bit more… distant and disconnected than linking within the article.

    I could build a widget that you can add to a sidebar, and only appear if a post has linked listings. Something I can consider.


    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Sure, as an editor it’s awesome I can link listings to my articles(pictured), however, in doing so, I’d also like those linked listings to show in the published version of the article, otherwise, it only accomplishes a backend function in the blog posts, but not a front end. The linked listings are NOT shown anywhere in the published post for the reader to visit the listing. How can a reader visit the linked listing(s) from the post?


    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    “The plugin was designed this way intentionally, as you can link to places/listings easily

      while writing an article

    , using good keywords and the built-in editor.”

    What about while ‘reading an article’?


    Post count: 188

    Hi Sandra:

    When you’re writing an article, you’d link keywords or business names to their listings using the tools that WordPress provides, see the screenshot I’ve attached. This is the best way to do it. It can increase your SEO and provides context for your reader. When they read a phrase like “…best massage I ever had…” you could have “best massage” link to the massage business you’re reviewing (like I just did).

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