Hey Guust,
We did not change domains…we have GeoDirectory installed on both sites. Let me clarify…when you guys updated from v1 to v2; we used ShopHawaii.me as our test site for this update/upgrade….meaning that ShopHawaii.me was our first site we upgraded to v2 to work out any bugs or issues before we upgraded ShopRVA.com.
So the problem we are having as you can see in the video with ShopHawaii.me is that the v2 plugins are not allowing us to deactivate and update the license keys even though we’ve already paid for another year’s subscription…and the plugins are not updating.
So we’re not trying to change domains or move sites or servers or anything like that…we’re just simply trying to update the v2 plugins on ShopHawaii.me….Does it now make sense with what is going on?
Thank you,