General Forum Chat

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    I thought I would start this as a general chat section after the compatibility themes section went off topic a little…

    My post there was to advise users that even though on friday my site was live and seemed happy with a themeforest brought theme – I wanted to let everyone know that there was a fair amount of work to get it live and have the theme and plugin working together well, proves both developers had done a good job! – there was still a few bugs to be sorted but all seemed well.

    Anyway, I thought this could be a good place to posts all helpful updates and have general chat..


    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    I have put together a list of things that I have run into today for everyone to be on the lookout for, I made some school boy errors and didn’t check a few things properly before going live.

    I have also included the issues known and being worked on just in case they make sense to someone who has an answer 🙂

    The problem is I don’t know if they are theme, plugin or new WP update issues as WPEngine do auto WP updates so here goes…

    1) Category Description text doesn’t show

    2) Map categories are expanded even when turned off

    3) Category icon call a default one from some where on some uploaded places – I have even changed all icons to new ones and changed the default in the core.

    4) I have created new widgets but in a couple of categories they are still including the themes widget as well as the plugins.

    5) The listings still show the address when it is turned off in settings.

    6) DO NOT delete the address section in the geodirectory settings.

    7) The categories are expand on the map even though switched to minimise.

    8) Typography in the listings – Vikas looked and said not to put everything in >p but I think this is standard on the theme – currently all text has to be written in the plain text area or it doesn’t view right – it is fine everywhere else.

    Things that I missed when going live…

    – When I transferred the site from testing to the main live area I did my normal reconnection of social media and final checks.

    I also made sure after my first post that it appeared in our social media areas, FB, twitter etc… what I didn’t do was try a link, for some reason half my links even though I was posting from my live site and I had reconnected from the live site had the posts links going back to the test sites – took 30 posts before someone emailed me.

    I had to cancel and revoke all social media accounts and set up again brand new connections – new api’s etc I have no idea why this would happen and can’t hold it to the plugin – its worth checking though as I had to delete the links and need to repost again today.

    – I also noticed today that the numbers are not right on the directory location (all places page) and my actual number of places in category both on the backend and on the listings page…

    It says I have 3 places in workwear –

    But I only have two both on the page and in the category back end…

    and finally I had a double on my admin main user with the same credentials including email which I didn’t think could be done, I obviously didn’t and couldn’t add it.. one was an admin and the other was just a user… first it would let me change or delete either I had to go into the myPhp to sort out.

    A few other css issues have also jumped up which would have been the WP update as they weren’t there before the auto update.

    Im still a happy bunny, if anyone has any ideas or comments fire away…


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