General Settings

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I don’t know if there is a video or document that may have already answered this, but what are the general settings on the back end? I have a couple of websites that I am trying to use this directory for and haven’t had any luck on any of them.
    I thought that I could simply download the plugins and Child Theme, and adjust the setting to reflect I home I want to charge and be on my way. That hasn’t been the case and I am getting different errors and they are consistently the same across the board on all my sites. I am not looking for anything that is sophisticated, I just want to plugin and go.
    On some of the example themes I have seen that people have been able to change to the Menu to reflect different title with regards to the Geothemes..I can’t seem to change anything. For example If I want to change “add places” to “add mechanic or something like that”
    On top of that, once I publish my website and the links and click on the “add places” link I get the Error 404-page not found.
    When I log in on the back end..I can still see everything
    If I am able to click on “add place” and lucky enough to get to the page of adding my email and name..I then get “not able to add new user” message.
    On the Geodirectory website..the demo..I see how they have attractions, events, hotels, restaurants..and then for “add listing” the drop down shows add attractions, add events, add hotels, add restaurants…how do you do that? I want to be able to do that?
    Having said all that..I absolutely love the concepts and the potential of what this can be. Great work! I am sure I just can’t figure it out!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    ..oh..and also how do I get rid of the author on my page? I don’t want to see
    ..posted by Bob Jones on 6/13/2014 at 9:35am..


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    to be able to change the Add place link, you need to have Custom Post type installed. That will allow you to change Places to Atracctions (as i did in the demo) and add Hotels, Restaurants or anything you want. Events is created by the events addon.

    You need to enalbe : Membership >> Anyone can register in WordPress Settings for new users to be able to register on your website.

    For a fix to the 404 page on the login form and to give you the css to remove the author from the pages, I’d need to see your website. Can you share a link and wp admin credentials in a private reply?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 29
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Also on the “contact us” page I can see the box where it says “this is a widget ready area. Add some and they will appear here”
    How do I get rid of that verbiage?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    it didn’t work because for some reason you placed all GD pages in draft.

    Can’ìt work without its pages.

    Custom Post Types I see you have installed, just access the menu and modify Places to start with or add any new post type you want.

    To add widget to your theme’s contact us page, go to Appearance >> Widgets.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    How do I get rid of the “author” or “posted as” in my pages? For example my “contact us” says “posted as abrambrown”


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Also on my other website

    When the tab “add listing” is clicked
    Epic 404 – Article Not Found
    The article you were looking for was not found, but maybe try looking again!

    Search for:
    This is the 404.php template.

    I went back through and all the GD pages are not private

    same password as the other website


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    on the webpage, on “contact us” it is showing a widget do I get rid of that?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    to remove the “posted as” add this to your child theme style.css

    .byline.vcard {
        display: none;

    to get rid of the widget box, either you add some widgets or you select the full-width template for the contact us page.

    The username and password of the other website to see why you get the 404 page do not work for the second website. Please double check and let me know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I can just put that anywhere on the Child theme style.css


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I selected the full length and I am still getting that box on the right side…I am sure that I am doing something wrong..


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Also, on one of my websites, I see that a person paid via paypal but I don’t see her business contact info on my website.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I am getting this error when I try to update the plugins:

    An error occurred while updating GeoDirectory Advance Search Filters: Login details for GeoDirectory failed! Please check GeoDirectory>Auto Updates and that your membership is active. Internal Server Error

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