Genesis Theme Compatibility add-on – breadcrumbs

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  wasanajones 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Post count: 180

    I know there was discussion on this here, /topic/using-genesis-category-tag-in-div-with-breadcrumbs-im-stuck/ and /topic/css-strangeness/

    but I got lost in the threads, and not sure what update status might be for the plugin

    Is there a way to restrict/control the Genesis Theme Compatibility add-on regarding breadcrumbs?

    it is sticking the breadcrumb (geodir-breadcrumb-bar) outside of the page layout element that the theme uses – effectively mucking up the layout

    using CSS for page ID isn’t an option, too many pages/posts outside of geodirectory
    so is there a CSS post-type .geodir-breadcrumb-bar {display: none; } for post type?

    this probably belongs in the PHP to call the breadcrumb bar for place, event and custom post types instead of all posts



    Post count: 29970

    I’ve sent your question to Stiofan for you.


    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    There was a bug in the core GD plugin which caused the category title to appear outside the breadcrumb structure – that has been resolved and will be in the next core update.

    Your issue however is trying to use the Genesis breadcrumb. The plugin was designed to replace the Genesis breadcrumb, so you should leave it deactivated.

    The plugin hooks the breadcrumb after the header. If you want it somewhere else you can unhook it and re-hook it somewhere else using your child theme’s functions.php file. For example:

    remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'geodir_replace_breadcrumb', 20 );
    add_action( 'genesis_before_header', 'geodir_replace_breadcrumb', 20 );

    The new version of the plugin (out any day now) gives a bit more flexibility since i have added some more Genesis hooks in the structure.


    Post count: 180


    remove_action( ‘genesis_after_header’, ‘geodir_replace_breadcrumb’, 20 );
    add_action( ‘genesis_before_loop’, ‘geodir_replace_breadcrumb’, 20 );

    I think most genesis themes by default put the breadcrumb ‘genesis_before_loop’

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