I am not familiar with any page builders, but they are for WP pages. GD pages are not WP pages but are created with templates from the plugin.
You can use the theme styler for the theme, not for plugins like GD or any other.
For styling of plugins, have a look here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/customizing-your-style/
To style a GD detail page (except for the header and footer because that comes from your theme) you can use filters or change the GD templates.
To insert maps on a WP page, you can use the GD Home Map shortcode:
If you add a “landmark” using GD, it will automatically create a detail page and add a link from the map marker.
Once you have decided how to organize your site, we can give you some pointers how you can customize the landmark pages if you like, or you can post a job in the GD jobs section.
Hopefully I clarified things a little bit more.