Geo Directory WP All Import Issue

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  riobravomedia 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    I am trying to correct a mistake that I made when I uploaded a CSV with Restaurants listings. I used the wrong GD “package_id” number. I want to do a new WP All Import but only change the Package ID but I am NOT seeing that as an option.

    see screenshot.

    How would I do this?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    That isn’t an option provided by the integration. WP All Import and their Pro plugins have options for export and more.

    You can also try the built in GD Import Export function. Use that to export your listings, make your change, then import again, selecting the option to update if the ID already exists.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    I know that the Geo Directory WP All Import was less than usable for what I was trying to accomplish and you guys did a great job of fixing the plugin so that I could import directly from the WP ALL Import plugin and not the GD Settings.

    Can you help me confirm something. Here is my concern. I am adding custom data in the main content area so it applies to every listing I import. But in this case I have a handfull of User submitted listing where this has been edited to their content.

    If I do an export from GD and then change the Package ID and reimport then my quess is that it will over write all of the content that has been changed.

    From what I understand I can set WP All Import to ignore all import settings except the ones selected.. but I don’t have this package ID option.

    1. If I leave all fields blank except for the Package ID will it delete all of the info that is currently in those fields?

    2. Is there a way to add the Package ID as a Custom Field in WP All Import?

    see attached.. you can see that because I didn’t change the ID number for the Package I have both a Free Accommodation and Free Restaurant Package. Maybe I can just live with that for now but it would be nice to get it sorted.


    Post count: 141

    Hey, Is running a search and replace on your DB an option?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Hey Brian, Yes I have done that in the past. You think that might work? Do you know where I would find it in the database? just do a query?

    I would need to make sure that I am only editing the listings in the Restaurant Category… 🙂


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    “Hey, Is running a search and replace on your DB an option?”

    Yes I can do this but could use some help in what to search for. And how to do this for the Restaurant Category. Please let me know. Thanks.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    I found what I need to edit in the “wp_geodir_gd_restaurant_detail” but when I go to do Find and Replace the “package_id” column is not available to select (it is missing) so it is not a straight forward Search and Replace that I can tell.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Got it figured out. Please close this ticket. Thanks.

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