GeoDirectory+Wordpres Multisite

This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    I was reading the documentation but couldn’t find any useful information regarding my question.

    my question is how will GeoDirectory work with listings on WordPress multisite if the plugin is activated across the network vs. only per site?



    Post count: 180

    can only be activated per site


    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    So what does that mean, if you are on and search for listings you wont find listings from in search results?


    Post count: 29970

    Correct, each site will be treated as a separate site.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    Hmm ok. So what do you think is the best solution if theres a carpenter that offer local services in denmark on and there is also a freelancer from denmark that offer his services world wide. How would it be possible for visitors around the world to find the freelancer from denmark if geodirectory is only per site?

    Is there any way to combine both local serviced and world wide services?


    Post count: 180

    Post count: 29970

    Listings are map based by default. Any listing can have one address only.
    You can have listings without addresses too (GD > general > general tab > Select CPT to disable physical location

    I am not sure what you are asking though, one website can display listings from everywhere in the world.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    I already have this addon installed, but it’s also only based per site and not network:

    I did as you said to have listings without addesses (GD > general > general tab > Select CPT to disable physical location). But now when I turn that off the map isn’t shown anymore.

    I have resaved permalinks without any result. map isn’t working on listing detail either.


    Post count: 29970

    If you disable physical locations, they cannot show on the map, that is how it works. You just turned the map off for your main CPT it seems.
    You would normally do that only for a CPT for which you do not want addresses and no map display, like worldwide freelancers.
    I still do not understand what you are trying to achieve. Why do you want different sites to display different listings? Why not display all listings on the same site?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    when that is enabled then the post type is ticked in design -> map to hide. unticking the post type will show the map again.

    anyways, I now understand how it works with the listings/multisite etc.

    What I want is very much similar to Facebook. facebook is on all kinds of languages+domains, and each language has it’s own customer support. If someone posts something on facebook then it’s not just shown in that country, people all over the world can see your posts. That’s what I’d like to accomplish with listings.

    WPML seems to be the only tool that can accomplish something similar, but WPML is just a plugin that creates duplicates of listings. I’m not so sure about how good that is, but creating duplicates means more listings, and more listings means slower site and larger risks of other issues.

    Using geodirectory over the network just seems more logical somehow.

    Thank you all for responses!


    Post count: 29970

    WPML creates maybe duplicate listings in different languages, but it does not create duplicate sites.
    WPML only creates a duplicate listing if you choose to. When a visitor chooses a language for the website to be displayed, only listings in that language will show.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 88

    hmm, true! good point.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    wordpress multisite only allows to create several website with only one install of WordPress and 1 common database.

    The only thing that is shared between all website in the network are users.

    Other than that, each website is an indipendent website.


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