Hi team,
The geolocation works correctly. In the search engine of my cell I choose “near me” and distance 10 km and to look for, and I see the places that are nearby. All perfect!
If I move and I go to 5 km from where I geolocated the first time and in the search engine I give it again to look for me the same places are coming out. To work properly and correctly I have to uncheck “near me” refresh the browser and redial “near me” and search.
The most normal thing is that if I give it to search, the page will be updated only and I will not do the steps of unchecking “near me” to refresh the web and then to mark again next to me. These are steps that users get tired because they do not understand well that you have to refresh and start from scratch.
Is there a solution for this?
Please this is very important so that users do not get tired and leave the web.
Thank you