
This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 172


    I am having trouble with the geolocation. When the user allows to be geolocated, the location/me page opens and shows the nearby listings correctly. However, when choosing any of the menu’s post types, or after returning to the home page, the geolocation is lost and I get all listings displayed, regardless of location…
    Am I missing some setting? I think this was working before, and coincidentally after the last update this is no longer working (but I have made other changes as well).



    Post count: 29970

    The location/me page does not set a location, but the listings that are shown are “near your physical location”, not near a “city location”.
    Because the page does not “set” a city location, the links to categories cannot link to specific city location categories.
    Hopefully that is a bit clearer. Thanks


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi Guust,

    I was expecting (and believe it was like this before) that when I am either geolocated (location/me) or select a city, then clicking on one of the categories on the menu would show me the listings close to my location or selected city.

    Please check here:


    Post count: 29970

    Only if a city location is set, not when you are shown listings around your physical geolocation.
    If there is no city slug in the page URL, then no city location has been set.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi Guust,

    That seems to me like a major drawback…

    I am wondering now about the UX:
    1. User accepts to be geolocated
    2. Main page refreshes and Popular Post View plugins show listings around his location
    3. User decides to select one of the CPT from the main menu
    4. Page opens without location set…

    Is there any other way, such as that the menu URL also change according to location, like the Popular Post View which has the “View All” URL changed:

    … ?geodir_search=1&stype=gd_activities&s&snear=Near:%20Me&sgeo_lat=41.3442048&sgeo_lon=-8.7318528



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    With V2 there is the option to have a city location ‘set’ when the user lands on a Detail page (also) as opposed to only when they choose a location from the location switcher or land on a location page.

    About your question, I am not sure I understand what you are getting at with the URL. Could you clarify more what you are trying to achieve?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    That sounds like a plan.

    Regarding my question, perhaps easier to show it on my website:

    Regardless of being geolocated (location/me) or not, the menu URLs point to the default listings, e.g.

    But if I am geolocated, the View All link on the Popular Post View widgets show me the “near me” listings:

    Would be interesting that also the menu items, as well as the CPT widget would do the same, ie, change the URL to show the “near me” listings such as above.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    With V2 also yes the “Places” menu link can have the location ‘set’ so that the menu item is redirected to the URL like

    The “View All” is a search page in that case, which is the only way to show the ‘distance to’ information.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Ok, I managed to implement a workaround, with the “Near Me” search only on the search page (so the user can repeat the geolocation).

    Looking forward for V2 to get this perfect!

    Thanks guys.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Please do take time to try out V2 with Location Manager and Advanced Search. We look forward to your feedback.

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