Good Day,
I am looking at setting up a GeoDirectory Marketplace using GeoMarketplace.
If I am correct, I believe is using GeoMarketplace?
Does use WPInvoicing as well as WooCommerce?
If so why and what benefits will this have?
I look forward to your response and if any tips you can share with me regarding the setup.
Another question I have with GeoMarketplace integration with GeoDirectory is:
Once a user has registered on GeoDirectory they are now able to create a ‘place’ listing and apply to become a vendor. I presume the user needs to have a place listing in order to link their shop in the form of a tab on their place listing, yes?
Are there any moderation options available for the admin of the site to approve product listings added by the client or are they allowed to add whatever they want? Does the usual notification ‘Listing edited by Author’ still get sent when they add or change a product?
What other notifications does the admin receive when a user adds a new product and will the client need back-end/dashboard access to WooCommerce or do they fill in a form as they do with adding a ‘place’ listing?
These are some questions I have for now and would appreciate detailed explanation of each as well as any further tips regarding the setup you can offer.