Hello Support Team,
I have to clarify some terms for the German translation.
I do use OpenStreetMap (so I do not know all the Google Maps options and how Google Maps does handle it) and what I can say, is that:
Country = Land = Country
Region = Bundesland, keine Region = State, not Region
City = Ortschaft, keine Stadt = Locality, not City
So instead of having Country, Region, City we’ll have in Germany Country, State, Locality. I don’t know how this is handled for other countries, but in the context of Germany using Region and City will be confusing, since there is no Region, but a State and there could be also villages as cities.
In the current translation you have Country, Region, City translated as Land, Region, Stadt, which is in my opinion not really correct. It should be Land, Bundesland, Ortschaft.
What do you think about this?
Greetings, Marius