GMap Location Marker

This topic contains 32 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  don quixote 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    The follwing Miami City Event CPT search shows both Miami Fashion Events & Artwork & Design Events with a location in San Juan Puerto Rico.
    I have placed the same Latitude & Longitud that I have for Miami (in the Manage Location=
    in both Event Listings several times and in each Event Listing the Map location shows fine but not the Search results.



    Post count: 29970

    Your events should not have any latitude and longitude, because you have disabled addresses for events. Or have you re-enabled them?
    Unless you add listings using a CSV file you should not enter latitude and latitude, the system will do that itself.
    You should not enter locations at GD > multilocations, but just add listings usinv the frontend or backend forms.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    1. Paolo told me that in order for my Events to show under their respective location meaning a Miami event to show only in the City of Miami they had to include the address, which I did and now they display fine.

    2. No, I’m not adding listings using a CSV file.

    3. No, I do not believe I have entered locations at GD>multilocation.

    Please advise how to correct the above issue.

    Also, could you explain here how to add Neighborhood? I have enabled Neighborhoods in Multilocations or do I have to post a new issue?
    I have watched the video on setting up locations but the only thing I hear is that “neighborhoods” have to be entered manually.
    Q1) How is this done?
    Q2) Do I first enter a Place listing with the “neighborhood address” and it will the create the Neighborhood?
    Q3) Once you have added several Place Listings for different Neighborhoods” will a list of neighborhoods display in a drop-down list like Cities?

    Al always, please be advised I have searched for how to resolve this on my own but not been able to….

    Thanks Guust…


    Post count: 29970

    Have a look at
    and correct the marker location by clicking Set Address on Map and then save.

    For neighborhoods, have a look here:


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    Post count: 29970

    Remove the GD Listings map widget from the search page.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    Post count: 29970

    Mmmmm, maybe in Supreme, you cannot remove the map from the search page.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    Could you find out from someone other than Paolo and get back to me!

    On Neighborhoods have the following questions:

    Q1) I created a neighborhood and a added a Place Listing>

    Why do other Listings display in the GMap? I was expecting that the GMap only display Listings from within the Neighborhood….


    Post count: 29970

    Paolo is the designer of Supreme so he is best placed to answer.

    For the second question, I am guessing that happens because you only have one neighborhood for Miami, and only one listing is in that neighborhood.
    Also that neighborhood is not really a neighborhood that the Google API will recognize, but I doubt that matters:
    I will leave this with Paolo too.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667


    1. Will you consult with him on these 2 issues and get back to me then?
    According to Miami Design District is now a neighborhood of Miami…..????/

    2. What is the latest version of Supreme Directory? Is it 0.2.0?

    3. How do I check see if that is the version I currently have installed?

    4. How do I update if I don’t have the most current or update each time there is an update?

    Thanks Guust…


    Post count: 29970

    2. You can check the latest versions at

    3. You can check your current version at

    4. Because Supreme is a child theme you need to manually update using FTP.
    If you made any changes to any of the files like style.css or functions.php, you will need to make sure you back those up so you can re-introduce them to the updated theme.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667


    4. You say I need to manually update using FTP. Could you please direct me to the documentation that will tell me how to do this?

    If you made any changes to any of the files like style.css or functions.php.

    >I do know we did add some Custom style css code. Do I copy and paste once I have updated?


    Post count: 29970


    Yes, compare the old and new files to update the new one.
    This software will help if there are a lot of changes.


    don quixote
    Expired Member
    Post count: 667

    Wow Guust…. that was a project-manually updating Supreme Directory… almost 2 hours…

    I followed the instruction How to use FTP to upload files to WordPress for Beginners using filezilla. Once I uploaded the new supreme 0.2.0 version it told me “all files have been succesfully transferred… but when I go to
    it shows version Version: 0.0.1.

    I followed the instruction to the T….
    Q1) What is missing?


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