Google API Key Issues??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  geokreuz 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Post count: 21

    The “SET LOCATION ON MAP” gives me an error message when initially establishing my DEFAULT LOCATION…& and in trying to create a new listing. The map shows up and the location can be save when manually entering the GEO Lat and Long. However the “SET LOCATION ON MAP” Button does not work. ERROR MESSAGE: “Geocode was not successful for the following reason:REQUEST_DENIED”

    I Followed the instructions to a “TEE” on your (How to add a Google API KEY?) Link.

    Not sure why it is not working


    Post count: 21

    Here is a list of error reporting on the Google API page:


    Post count: 21

    it seems to be working now. It must have taken time for the API to catch up after creating my credentials.

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