Google Maps API error

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    Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    I generated and setup API key in setup wizard and it was initially a success.

    Now when I view Google maps on front end or open setup wizard again, it says “This page can’t load Google Maps correctly.”

    Billing has been setup and I’ve restricted API to my domain but after 5 minutes of successfully going through setup wizard, Google Maps can no longer load correctly.

    I followed all the steps as outlined in documentation and everything appeared to be successful until several minutes later.

    Any ideas why?


    Post count: 29970

    On the page where you get that error, press F12, and then select Console.
    If there are any errors, you can review them there.

    If you want us to have a look, send us the URL of a page where we can see the error on the map, and we’ll have a look.
    You can post that in a private reply if you like.



    Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    I found the error in the console:

    You have exceeded your request quota for this API.

    However, it doesn’t make sense as you see from the screenshot of my quotas.

    No way I could have exceeded the quota as the site is brand new and is not even “live yet” — it’s in maintenance mode.


    Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    Okay, digging deeper — not sure the billing was activated for the specific project. I have now linked the project to the billing account. Still not working but hoping in a few minutes that will fix things.


    Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    I’ve spent three hours and absolutely can’t get this working. I’ve done everything in documentation, support issues, console still says exceeded your request quota for this API….

    I have created and setup Google Map API keys before; this is not my first time doing this.

    But here I cannot get it working. Period.

    Help. Please.


    Post count: 29970

    If you want us to have a look, send us the URL of a page where we can see the error on the map, and we’ll have a look.
    You can post that in a private reply if you like.



    Yael Reinhardt-Matsliah
    Free User
    Post count: 31

    Thank the stars in heaven! It’s working this morning. I felt certain everything was done correctly but kept getting that error message. Perhaps when you add billing, it takes a while to update?

    I don’t know; all that matters is when I viewed the Google maps this morning, they display correctly.

    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    Great news ! 🙂

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