Google Maps API Update – are we affected?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  adriangraham 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 426

    Hi guys,

    Got an email from Google this morning saying that they are some methods in the JS library and “my project could be affected” – I just wanted to give you a heads up on this and also ask, is GD2 affected at all?

    The email is titled deprecation of PlaceResult.opening_hours.open_now and PlaceResult.utc_offset in Maps JS Places Library

    and it’s contents are:

    Hello Google Maps Platform Customer,

    We are writing to let you know that on November 20, 2019, the PlaceResult.opening_hours.open_now and PlaceResult.utc_offset properties in the Google Maps JavaScript API’s Places Library are being deprecated and replaced by new properties and methods. You are receiving this email because your projects may be reading these properties from PlaceResult objects returned in response to Place Details, Find Place, Nearby Search and Text Search requests.

    You have until November 20, 2020, to perform the changes in your code as described below.

    What do I need to know?
    Currently, the Maps JavaScript API’s Places Library exposes in its PlaceResult object the properties:

    utc_offset, which is returned on Place Details requests and
    opening_hours.open_now, which is returned on Place Details, Find Place, Nearby Search and Text Search requests.
    On November 20, 2019, we are deprecating these properties to bring consistency across Places API clients on different platforms (the Maps JavaScript API, the Places SDK for Android, the Places SDK for iOS).

    These properties have been replaced as follows:

    utc_offset, by utc_offset_minutes
    opening_hours.open_now, by the isOpen() method in Place Details requests only.
    Additionally, for Find Place, Nearby Search and Text Search requests, we provide alternative solutions for determining whether a place is open.

    As a result, starting November 20, 2020, the Maps JavaScript API’s Places Library will stop accepting the properties in the fields parameter and stop returning them in response to such requests. Instead, developers will receive the ‘Unsupported field name’ error when using these properties in the fields parameter and the value


    when reading these properties from the PlaceResult object in the response.

    What do I need to do?
    Before November 20, 2020, follow the Place Field Migration guide to make the necessary property and method substitutions and to see the alternative options for obtaining opening_hours data to prevent user experience degradation.

    If you are not already doing so, using the fields parameter in Place Details requests will save you money in case you don’t need all the fields for returned places. If you do not specify at least one field with a request, or if you omit the fields parameter from a request, all possible fields will be returned, and you will be billed accordingly, for all data SKUs.

    We have identified that your project(s) listed below are using Place Details and/or Find Place and/or Nearby Search and/or Text Search requests from the Maps JavaScript API’s Places Library. These requests are returning utc_offset and/or opening_hours.open_now properties in the PlaceResult object and you may be reading these properties.

    My Project (prime-agency-XXXXX)

    As always, you can contact our Google Maps Platform Support Team with any questions.

    Thank you for choosing Google Maps Platform.

    I am sure it’s perfect, but thought it best to ask.




    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The action won’t take effect for a year, nothing to do for the moment about this and the developers are aware.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 426

    Sorry – I didn’t register the 2020 date! Thanks Alex

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