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    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Hi I just have installed the GT-Voucher and GT business hours for Gerodirectory. The business hours plugin shows up in the Geodirectory Dashboard butI can´t find the Voucher plug-in.

    I checked if everything was correct installed in the plug-in area. The install was correct. I pushed the button visit plug-in site my result was the picture attached. Tried to find other information and landed in WordPress on pages where I got the message GT Vouchers only available for Geo Theme. I knew that the plug-in is updated for Geodirectory as well but in my opinion Geodirectory has to improve a part of his business policy.

    To make a beautiful product is one but the whole package need to be professional. You have to understand that your clients are business people too and the time we lose to manage your product is almost unacceptable. Once again, I don´t complain about your support and your service. I can´t complain about that but your general company quality level need to improve. remeber this week the update because of the multi-post prolems. It cost me 4 hours to delete 1200 messages out of my facebook page, Beside the fans and clients who are pissed off.

    I have 3 month more to go for the renewal. Honestly I love your product but I don´t will renew if the general conditions do not improve.

    Best Regards,

    Frank Bouwman
    PS. do almost forget where I can find the Vouchers plug-in in the settings


    Post count: 29970

    GT Vouchers and GT Business Hours are plugins provided by a third party, Jeff Rose.
    Please direct your support questions to the relevant page at Theme Tailors:

    Sorry about the bug in one of the last releases. While we make every effort to test everything completely before a new release, gremlins do exist. Best practice is always to back up before updating to prevent trouble, see more here:


    Post count: 188

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with GT-Vouchers.

    It doesn’t have it’s settings inside the GeoDirectory settings, but should be appearing as it’s own option in the left menu bar of your admin – Normally as “Vouchers” at the bottom.

    As Guust said, I’m separate from the GeoDirectory team – and can be reached either through replying here, on the ThemeTailors forums, or by email through jeff at jeffrose dot ca for any support needs.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hi Frank, your Voucher settings is hidden due to your plugin which is adding a different color in your backend. The voucher setting menu is under the WP Cleanup Optimizer, on the left hand side.
    (I’ve also wrote that on your email)

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