Having issues to display Google Maps map & OpenStreetMap with marker on HomePage

This topic contains 14 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 7 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    Hi there,

    sorry, again me….
    -> my GoogleMaps “map” doesn’t get displayed.
    -> also tried OpenStreetMap which looks better, but the markers don’t show up.

    Using the “MultiLocation” Plugin: “GeoDirectory Location Manager” and “GeoDirectory Custom Google Maps”.

    Disabled the other two plugins (“Easy FancyBox” and “AdRotate Professional”) i was using, but with no positive effect

    Strangly enough the maps (both, OSM & Google) work on the details pages, and the search results page.

    Any idea what could be wrong?

    Thank You in advance,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    Please provide a link and admin credentials in a private reply and we will have a look.

    Let us know,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 19
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I asked to the developers to look into your home maps problem. One of the script that should populate it, isn’t working.

    I’m sorry, but that option isn’t available, German is mostly translated: https://wpgeodirectory.com/translate/languages/de/

    Last, I’m sorry, but we can’t move you from a non recurring to a recurring plan. We would miss the credit card authorization to get paid.

    In any case, you don’t have to change the license keys next time, you just need to renew your membership instead of buying a new membership.

    Once you current membership has expired, here https://wpgeodirectory.com/your-account/ you will find the link to renew it.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 19
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    So, as said (in the private message), i’ve even tried it now with the GDF template, but the maps still won’t load, sorry, i really need you here to look into it, sorry….


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Benjamin,

    I checked and looks like it could be a timeout issue as it getting marker data for 832 listings. Please install Marker Cluster plugin and check if it fix the problem.

    We need network admin credentials & FTP details to look into more.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    Hi Kiran,

    i have tested now even deeper by setting up a separate domain & GeoDir. With the following results:
    below 4XX entries it works, but not much above…

    i retried at the mentioned domain and just deleted the last 432 entries and IT WORKS, BUT how can i now add the full result set?

    I think there can be just two options:
    1.) plugin issues with more the 400 results
    2.) issues with the import data.

    Will sent you my import data set as a private message, hope that is fine?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 19
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    the data on that CSV file has errors. See image attached.

    There are several rows like that and the problem is most likely due to the use of wrong delimiters (pushing data to the next cell).

    Hope this help, let us know how it goes,



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    @paolo, looks like you attached the wrong pic, FYI i deleted it.



    Post count: 7069
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you Kiran for pin-pointing me to that.
    Basically that was one issue.

    There have been a total three issues with the CSV and not a core error within your product(s), for documentation reasons i am documenting them here.

    Possible CSV-errors / -issues:

    1.) malformated lines in the CSV through the manual conversion process
    2.) malformated latitude/longitude definitions and entries with “FAILED”, through the mass-processing of the data to get the lat/lang coordinates

    …and the last one was a tricky one, as it occurred AFTER the check with OpenOffice:
    3.) certain lat/lang data haven been transformed as a definition like 48.099 got transformed to 48099 but THAT is what makes the map display ZERO results on the map and what breaks actually the map. (see screenshots attached). This might be an issue just with some localisations and number definitions within OpenOffice, but it caused a lot of headache sadly…

    You could maybe call that last issue an issue of your map display, but it is really related to the CSV import, i can see and understand that. But maybe you could filter such things (wrong lat/long) out? If not during the import, maybe but excluding them at least from the result set? Not sure…

    If possible i would like to suggest – for one of the next versions – a possible update of the import process/module(s).

    a) check every line for consistency and maybe display the line number(s) which are inconsistent – in my case about 15-20 lines. That would have saved me A LOT of time

    b) and/or an option to exclude wrong formatted lines from the import automatically/automagically

    c) an option to import CSV address lists without the need to pre-define the long/lat fields and an automated processing through GeoDir (which searches&adds the long/lat), maybe as an separate (sellable) plugin?

    I know all that isn’t easy to accomplish, rather complex, but the import process is currently a bit of a painful/hard way. Having another 2-3 upcoming projects like this (with CSV imports, i know it will cause me issues, and i am sure other (potential) customers face those as well.

    All that said, THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, only your support made it possible for me to find/identify the/my errors within the CSV. Still i hope some of my a-c ideas of the import process become real in one of the next versions 😉

    So thanks and talk to you probably (sorry in advance) soon,


    Expired Member
    Post count: 19

    To wrap up:
    So, please close this issue/ticket, but maybe think about a), b) and c) from the above post for a future release 😉


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    just FYI, All 3 points would slow down import considerably. We need to keep importing as fast as possible so that it doesn’t take days to import CSV files with several thousands of listings.


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