I’m testing Geodirectory to know if it will be the right platform to migrate a big site using ACF, FacetWP and Frontend Publishing Pro
I need to adapt these URL structures to match the ones currently used:
1. /publish&listing_type=gd_place => /publish/listing
I tried:
But the parameter “listing_type=gd_place” is appended to the URL.
2. /publish&pid=33 => /listing/33/edit
I tried:
But the form is not filled and the title is “Add %%pt_single%%”.
I succeeded with this one: /index.php?post_type=gd_place&p=33&preview=true => /listing/33/preview
I don’t mind editing core files and disabling automatic updates for the moment.
PS: Is it possible to configure “Advanced Search Filters” addon to give priority to featured listings in the AJAX autocomplete functionality?