Help with theme compatibility

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45160

    Post count: 114

    Hi. I am moving from sabai directory to WP geo directory and am unsure on how the theme compatibility works.

    I am using the engine theme from industrial themes.

    What i am struggling with is simply what would count as the correct opening / closing divs etc to swap over.

    I am working on the theme here to try and get the integration with the theme

    What i want to try and adhieve is somethign similar to Sabai directory layouts and integration which you can see here

    Also i can see the theme compatibility now in the admin area of WP do i still need to follow the instructions to modify the hooks actions in order to use the custom integration?

    Looking forward to being able to get this klicked off properly and working now!!

    Thanks for the great plugin.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    while Sabai is added via shortcode and basically fits into any theme page content (and it stays there), GeoDirectory creates it’s own templates with sidebars and extra widget areas.

    The 1st thing that you need to do to make GD templates compatible with the theme templates is to tell GD which theme classes to use to replicate the template as closely as possible.

    The 1st example (assuming you know how to use Firebug) is to determine which class the theme uses in its template to wrap the content.

    Looking at your about page: I can see it is container-inner.

    Now you can go to GeoDirectory >> Theme Compatibility, select custom and save (this will create your own theme compatibility)

    Where it says Main Wrapper Actions > geodir_wrapper_open in the Class field add: container-inner and save.

    If you refresh this page now : you will see that the template is wrapped like any other part of the theme.

    You can go to appearance >> widgets and set the Home map to 100% in the width field that wil adjust the map.

    Now you can decide if you wish to make the GD templates look as simlar as possible to the themes templates and continue as explained above.

    Otherwise you could do a custom work with new css to adjust that without going to much into details.

    In that case this CSS would almost do it all:

    #geodir-wrapper {
        background: #fff none repeat scroll 0 0;

    Hope this helps… let us know how you went.



    Post count: 114

    i can see how that works now. is it best to continue and put the other parts in there also? such as the sidebar info etc so that it makes use of the sidebar styling ?

    looking better already. will carry on with the styling and update here as i progress. hopefully i can make an engine compatibility theme that works well and encompasses everything.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    It is really totally up to you.

    If you need to have GD templates look identical to the theme templates you may also have to add some extra html to get it all right.

    You can have a look at other themes compatibility settings for inspiration and we are here if you get stuck.

    Let us know how you went.


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