Hide caption if blank

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Naveen Giri 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #543022

    tabiLabs Inc
    Full Member
    Post count: 83


    Currently, in the photos tab of a listing details page if an image has no caption entered, it uses the file name as a caption / alt-tag when expanded in the lightbox.

    This means there are many images with captions like “image-364”.

    I am trying to go through and update them but there are so many.

    This is likely wishful thinking, but is there a way to only show captions if something has been entered?

    Caption has been entered -> show on front end
    No captione entered -> don’t display any caption at all



    Post count: 16516

    Hi Josh Grisdale,

    Thanks for your reply. There isn’t an option for this but I’ll forward this to a developer for a second opinion.


    tabiLabs Inc
    Full Member
    Post count: 83

    That would be great as it looks unprofessional to have captions like that



    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559

    Hi Josh,

    there is no way, for now, to hide that when the image caption is blank.
    you can hide the caption container completely using the following CSS.

    .lity-opened span.lity-caption-desc{

    the text that we show there is an alt attribute of the image.
    SEO wise the alt attribute should not be empty, so we loading the image name.



    tabiLabs Inc
    Full Member
    Post count: 83

    OK, well, hope it can be a feature in the future.


    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559

    Sure, I have created an issue for it.

    we will update you.

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