How Admin May Edit a Paying Subscriber Safely

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    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    When someone is paying to have a listing and I, as admin, want to change something, like their url to make it prettier or manually feature their listing when they are really only paying for a basic listing not a featured one, or changing their category type… could these things mess up the listing in any way that would cause their payment not to process? I hope this isn’t a silly question, lol.

    What can I do to listings editing wise, editing as admin, without messing up their subscription payment plan? And what do I need to avoid doing?

    Lastly, if someone pays to list in one CPT but I prefer to change them to a different CPT is that possible? Just thinking ahead on this. I sort of came across that problem already but I didn’t want to deal with it so I worked around it for now…


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    Jeff Adams
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    Jeff Adams
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