How can a user upgrade/downgrade/cancel/delete his listings in frontend?

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    I am wondering – how a user can manage different things within his dashboard. Where I need to setup these options, to see these in front-end.

    How can a user manage within dashboard
    1. upgrade his listing
    2. downgrade his listing
    3. cancel his listing
    4. delete his listing
    5. delete recurring payments

    Regards, Alex


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Once they are in their dashboard (my place in login box):

    1. upgrade his listing
    Clicking the upgrade link
    2. downgrade his listing
    Can’t downgrade a listing.
    3. cancel his listing
    Clicking the delete link
    4. delete his listing
    Clicking the delete link
    5. delete recurring payments
    This can only be done via Paypal account.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,

    thanks for respond. But there is no “update / downgrade” Links existing.
    or when I try to edit item
    URL 2:
    see this screen shot –

    Am I in need to activate a setting for that?

    Please advice, Alex


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    There should be an upgrade (downgrade doesn’t exist on GD), do you have other prices with that are enabled for upgrade?

    Let us know,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,

    I cannot find any upgrade/downgrade links…
    I have checked my price packages and there are existing packages to up-/downgrade but still there is no link to be found.

    e.g. Ritter House

    URL 1 – Edit within backend –

    Screen Shot (within backend listing settings) –

    Screen Shot (within my listings dashboard) –

    URL 2 – Edit Ritter House

    Please advice, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    all your prices have setting: Has Upgrades? set to no: If set No, the upgrade link doesn’t show for listings that belongs to this package.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    p.s. There will never be a Downgrade button, I don’t understand why you keep mentioning it.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,

    ok if there is no downgrade link, but actually there is also no upgrade link available and either no list of available price to choose for up-/downgrade.

    I also checked the prices for the tab “has upgrades” which is enabled for my, 2.standard and 3.premium but for the 4. featured category to upgrade listings.

    Actually a user has no option to choose for up-/downgrade his listings within frontend. The only changes can be made by admin within backend and this should not be. At least a user should manage his up-/downgrades within his dashbord.

    Please help me to find out why or where the problem exist.

    Regrads, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,

    You can now cancel my request, I found out, that the setting within price table has not been enable for my specific problem request. So there was the setting “no upgrades” I have enbled this setting now on price tables and it seems to work now.

    THANKS for helping and clearing.

    Only thing which I suggest is, also to have an downgrade link available to choose for.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Neither paypal or stripe allows downgrades of subscriptions, you can only cancel a subscription and purchase a new one. Even upgrades really work like that. It becomes a double subscription, it doesn’t extend or cumulate the existing subscription. For us to implement what you want, we’d need to wait for Stripe and Paypal to do that 1st.

    That’s why I said there will never be a downgrade.

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Paolo,
    now I am more confused and need again instruction in – How would you handle a user friendly setting up for upgrades and downgrades.

    Configuration history: I have setup 140 prices with 4 price category types (free, standard, premium, featured). The S,P,F types are all recurring and montly need to pay prices with one exception on events. Events have onetime payments and also recurring payments on S,P,F prices.

    With your explanation monthly recurring listing users would be able to upgrade their listings, but then a 2nd recurring payment for the new upgrade will be charged with the result of now 2 recurring payments are existing and saved within paypal. If I understand you right, then > the user is now in charge to cancel his old recurring payment within his paypal account to prevent him of double payments.

    Well this is not very user friendly, or need to be explained to users to get a proper instruction in how they are able to upgrade and what steps they need to do to prevent them from double payments.

    With your explanation above stated the monthly recurring listing users would NOT be able to downgrade their listings. They need either a.) to delete their listing with followed own initiated paypal recurring paypment cancellation or b.) delete their paypal recurring payments with the result of falling back with their listing subscription to the downgrade price setting which is enabled on setup in price management.

    Well this is also not very user friendly, because of missing instructions to be displayed or need to be explained to users to get a proper instruction in what to do to prevent them from a.) create listings again from scratch or b.) ongoing payments of old paypal recurring price subscription plans.

    Please correct me if I may understand this workflow wrong AND please help me to find a user friendly way WITH according instructions in – STEPS WHAT AND HOW TO DO – to prevent them from a.) extra effort to first delete their listing and list again or b.) double payments.

    The handling instruction in > how to cancel a recurring subscription within stripe < is still open, because by using their instructions this seems be able to cancel only by using their API integration. How would then a recurring stripe payment be canceled within GD or manually from user?

    Enable to display the steps need to do for up-/downgrade with instructions for payment changes displayed in a extra window.

    I am looking forward to your answer, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    enable a payment subscription cancellation button for existing payment subscriptions that a user is able to cancel either paypal or stripe payments by API integrations. To handle the former manually steps to be done automatically for upgrade/downgrade/cancel payment subscriptions.

    This would be more user friendly, because not so much instructions needed and steps are done automatically form system.

    Regards, Alex

    P.S. Please give suggests in how to enable all proper as above stated in #64330


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    at the moment there is no way to do what you want, especially because we are neither Paypal nor Stripe and we have no power over their APIs.


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