How delete slugs of Geodirectory category

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #276983

    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, I created the following post type:
    and into this post type I created the following category:
    Todos los Restaurantes y Bares
    with the following slug:
    After that, I deleted post type “Restaurantes” (but before I didn`t delete the categorie “Todos los Restaurantes y Bares”)
    Now I have created the new post type:
    Restaurantes y Bares
    and I have returned to create the following categorie:
    Todos los Restaurantes y Bares (just like previously).
    Automaticaly geodirectory assigned to this categorie the following slug:
    I tried delete “-1”, but there is no way… so I suspect that although I deleted “Restaurante” Post Type, the categorie was not deleted, and the slug:
    is into my data base.
    I want delete this slug, and I think I need to access to PHPMYADMIN and delete it.
    I acceded to PHPMYADMIN, but I don`t find Geodirectory Slugs…
    Can you indicate me if is correct delete this slug from PHPMYADMIN, and where is located them?
    Thanks very much for your support.


    Post count: 29970

    Search your database for todos-los-restaurantes-y-bares, it should find all instances.

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