How do you do the following:

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #67213

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 78

    1. I have made the default to “view: list” on listings page so how do I now remove the dropdown option for users to change that?

    2. Right now on the listing page it has Popular Categories. I don’t want to show that. I want it to show the subcategories, sub-subcategories of that category. Is this possible?

    3. “Latest Places” section
    A. How do you only have it show the Title and not the description?

    4. Similar to “Latest Places”, is it possible to show listings for “Most Popular” or “Highest Rated”, or even choose specific ones to show?

    Thank you


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    1) add this to GeoDirectory >> Design >> Scripts >> Custom CSS:

    .geodir-list-view-select {
        display: none;

    2) Go to appearance >> widgets and replace the popular category widget with the CPT categories widget.

    3) Latest Place is the outpout of the widget GD > popular post view. Go to appearance >> widgets open the widget area where the widget is showing (I guess you are talking about home and it that case it would be GD Home Content Section and/or Right Section. Open the widget settings and in option Post Content excerpt character count, set it to 0.

    4) Same as point 3, in the widget you will find sorting options. You can’t select specific ones to show though.


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