How run neighbourhood?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  wasanajones 9 years ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I have activated neighbourhood.
    So I have add one neighbourhood in one of my city (Geodirectory => Multilocation => Manage location).
    Now, if I add a new listing, I can introduce address, stare, region, city, and “neighbourhood”.
    But I dont understand where I can search places in the neighbourhood that I have created.
    For the cities there is the following url:
    And for the “neighbourhood” what is the url?
    where I can filter places located in the neighbourhood I have created?
    Thanks very much for your support.


    Post count: 29970

    The neighbourhood system has been rebuilt and you will be able to search neighbourhoods etc easily in the next version which is not that far away.

    In the meantime, just add the neighborhood widget on your website and it will provide the links.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Guust, thanks very much for your fast answer.
    I have two question:

    QUESTION 1. I have added neighborhood widget (location end popular) in GD Listing Right Sidebar. I have gone in GD => Manage Location and I have created a new neighborhood named X in the city named CELRÀ. I have created two new listing:
    Prueba Neigh
    prueba 100
    In each of this two new listing I have introduced like address the following:
    City: CELRÀ
    Neighborhood: X
    The result have been: X Neighborhood has not showed in (right sidebar).
    If it is simple to understand, so I`d like know why X Neighborhood has not showed in
    But If it is complicated… I will wait the new GD Neighbourhhods.
    But, in order planing my activity, I need know aproximatelly when we can have the new version:
    a. In the next one or two week ???
    b. In the next two months ???

    QUESTION 2: In the new neighbourhood version, maybe we can build special ZONES with two or more cities in the same page?
    For example:
    To create a ZONE named X.
    Add at the X ZONE cities: City A, City B, City C, etc etc…
    Automatically will be created a new virtual page:
    It is so..?

    Thanks very much for your answer.


    Post count: 29970

    1. We would need to see your settings.
    I think it should be in less than a month, but that is not a promise.

    2. The new version will have a separate page for each neighborhood. It will not have ability to create “zones”.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    1. Thanks for your reply, but I dont know which setting I need to see… Can you indicate the setting I must have a look?, or alternativelly can you have a look for me and after explain which setting I need modificate?

    2. I understand there was a separate page. But Maybe I can create an neighborhood name X in MADRID CITY and create the same neighborhood (name X) in BARCELONA CITY. Maybe it will run…

    I hope your reply about question 1.
    Thanks for your support.


    Post count: 29970

    1. What I mean is that to check your settings, we need your WP admin details.
    2. No, that will not work, a neighborhood will always only be a part of ONE city only.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    ERROR: The password you entered for the Username or Email Test is incorrect.

    Let us know,

    p.s. I’d really wait for the new neighbourhood system. This that we had until now was pretty rudimentary and you are testing it basically for nothing. The new system is ready, we are just doing final testing it and it should be released before the end of the month.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Efectively the pasword is no correct… I am wrong…
    You are right. I think It will be better to wait the new release.
    thaks paolo for your support.
    You can mark this post like resolved.


    Post count: 29970

    Thanks for letting us know. Feel free to open a new topic when you have troubles once the new version comes out.


    The FlyingDandy
    Post count: 9

    Do you have any update regarding the new neighbourhoods system? Is it still planned to be available soon?
    Thanks for the update.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’m not sure it will be released next tuesday (with all other updates). It depends if we manage to complete testing by monday or not. In any case we are super close to finish it. If it’s not next week it will be the one after that.

    Thanks for your patience,


    The FlyingDandy
    Post count: 9

    Great news. Thanks.


    Post count: 180

    Neighborhood[sic] update

    in lieu of waiting to see what is released later today, I have a question/comment

    my database of places that I will use to import listings includes neighborhoods – with many many listings showing multiple neighborhoods for a single address – one field, comma separated

    I’m looking to upload many thousands of listings in the next couple of days and wondering how we should now and/or in near future manage neighborhoods – sort of impatient to see what the plan is due to my own time sensitive constraints of needing to move forward ASAP

    can (will they) be created through CSV upload like cities, regions – or will they need to be created separately, and will that separate creation support CSV imports with Region/City/Neighborhood ? (if not I’ll be looking to use the database so want to make sure that table structure I try is going to be consistent)

    If these are undetermined I will just hold off on adding neighborhoods and maybe update listings in the future but that is going to be time/labor intensive matching existing listings with another data source and risk mucking up existing/upgraded listings.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    for what I can see now, there is no integration between Import / Export and the new neighbourhood system.

    I asked the developers to proceed and integrate it asap.


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