Hi Guust,
first, thaks for your support.
Question 1: OK
Question 2: maybe I have explained wrong.
All my listing in all my post types are with address, so I dont want disable physical location. I know this option, but I dont need that.
I have several posts types. In the each listing page, of each post type, is displayed the map because I have introduced “GMAP LISTING PAGE” in the following “widget area”:
But in one page of them, concretely in my “gd_job” post type, I dont want displayed the map.
In order to do that, I think I can use “widget logic” plugin. I know the following code:
If I introduce it in GMAP WIDGET into “Coditional widget field”, map will be showed only in the listing pages of the post type “gd_job”, and in the other listings pages it will be not shown.
But I need to do exactly the opposite… dont show this widget (GdMap) in listing page of “gd_job”, and show map in the others listing pages.
I have tried to use the sub code “!is_”, but it dont run…
So I ask to GD team how is possible to show the map in all listing post type, but no in “gd_job”.
I hope your answer.
Thanks for your support.