How set Image and category limit

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    At this time I have PAYMENT MANAGER ADDON deactivated.
    I have published 1000 listing in places post type using “csv importer section”.
    These listings are the following options by defoult:
    Unlimited categories
    Unlimited images
    With the CLAIM LISING ADDON an user can claim listing, so the owner can add unlimited categories and unlimited images to the own listings.
    Now I want ACTIVATE the PAYMENT MANAGER ADDON and I want create the following 2 packages:
    Free (setting the following: upload 1 image, select 1 categoria)
    Featured (setting the following: upload 20 images, select 5 categories)
    But now I will have the following:
    when owner claim the listing, it can add unlimited images and categories, while FREE and FEATURED options are with limited images and categories.
    So, the proces should be the following:
    when an user claim the listing, after acept that, I need to entry in the listing and select “FREE PACKAGE”.
    In conclusion I think there is no integration between PAYMENT MANAGER and CLAIM LISTING.
    Integration is very simple. You need add, (in the windows where administrator must acept de request of the owner), the options created by PAYMENT MANAGER (defoult, free, featured, and so on…).
    So, when the administrator acepts the request, he can also change the status of the listing, to the free, featured, etc… or he can let the defoult option (just like at thise time).
    I hope you understand what I mean.
    I hope your answare about that.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    each listing must belong to a price, when the Payment manager isn’t installed you don’t see it, but as soon as you activate it, all your 1000 current listings will be automatically assigned the free price. If you change the number of categories and pictures allowed for the free price, it will automatically limit them for all new listings, but old listings will remain untouched.

    If you want the free listings to only have 1 picture and 1 category, you should make them so before users claim them.

    In the claim listing settings, you have an option to force the upgrade to claim a listing. If you select that, the user will be forced to upgrade and go through the payment and the new price will be assigned automatically.

    Let me know if anything is still not clear.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    OK, I thing I have understood.
    I do the following example:
    like administrator, I make two listings before to installer PAYMENT MANAGER ADDON:
    Listing A with 1 image and 1 categoria
    Listing B with 2 images and 2 categories
    After make Listing A and Listing B I install PAYMENT MANAGER ADDON.
    If an user claim the listing A and B there will be the following situation:
    In listing A the user can delete the image and the categoria, and it can add only 1 new image and 1 categoria (the limit is 1 and 1).
    In listing B the user can delete images and categories, and it can add 2 new images and it can select 2 categories (the limit is 2 and 2).
    Now, If I introduce in “payment manager addon” the value 3 for images and the value 3 for categories, there will be the following situation:
    – Listing A remain with the limit of 1 image and 1 categoria.
    – Listing B will remain with the limit of 2 image and 2 categories.
    – And the new listings created for the user will have the limit of 3 images and 3 categories.
    Is it so?
    Other litle questio:
    After to install PAYMENT MANAGER ADDON, administrator can create listings (using csv option) with for example 5 images and 5 categories if the setting in the free option are 3 images and 3 categories?
    Thanks you for your answer, and congratulation because you are making the options for a right running.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    No it is not. If you allow for 3 images and cats both listing A and listing B will be able to add more when editing. It only works like that when the limit is lower than the images and cats added before installing the payment add-on.

    I’m 99.9% sure that limits are not applied for listings imported via CSV.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Ok, now that is clear.
    Thanks for spend your time with that.
    Now I only wait your answer about the following topic
    where I ask about the new release of PAYMENT MANAGER and the new addon INVOICE MANAGER (that let users upload one packege of listings only with one single payment).
    I only need know when aproximatelly you release them, in order planing my work.
    Are they will be released
    in one/two weeks?
    in one month?
    I hope your answer.
    Thanks very very much for your support.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    it will be released as soon as we are done testing it. It should be in the next weeks.


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