Hello and Happy New Year.
This is a non-geo question for advice on plugins that may provide for “common attributes” / variable using the Custom Post Type data.
My project consists of using the CPT post for Land Rezoning
Attributes could include:
Name of project
List of County Supervisors
Attorney for Project Developer
Results of rezoning request
Purpose of rezoning
and so forth…
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to find the list of projects that say a particular Attorney worked on and which supervisors voted for it included in the results.
I was hoping I could find a correlation scatter graph plugin but.. nope!
Advanced search could be used for something…
I am seeking a way to keep tabs on what people are getting projects approved and listing factual data on https://erilu.org.
I know it is a longshot.. I tried post to post.. they are on hibernation mode.. and other plugins that share data seem to only allow for a max of three or four relationship.
I would need more..
Kind regards, sorry in advanced to be off topic