How to Make Street Address Optional

This topic contains 41 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  HelloYoga 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Thanks, Guust.

    Moving forward, you guys need to start thinking about usability. We shouldn’t need all this back-and-forth. You need to have two versions of your website/forum/documentation:
    – One version for developers
    – One version for low-tech people like me

    A lot of software companies do this. They just make a special section of their site for developers.

    For now, I can say that GD is positioned as being built by developers for developers and it is severely limiting your sales. But, it is what it is, and you can’t please everybody. I have a lot of respect for what the GD team has built.

    Building in every possible option for every possible mutation would slow the software down, and make sites too slow. That is why the GD software is built to cater for 99% of users that use it with addresses, but the system allows customization if you have special requirements.

    You’re obviously getting emotional and defensive here. I’ve probably caught you at a bad time. Perhaps at some stage when budget permits, you guys might consider hiring a customer support rep who enjoys dealing with inquiries from people like me. That way, you can be free to focus on coding.

    Non location based listings shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for you guys. It’s not a wildly exotic requirement and is definitely larger than 1%. It may be only 1% right now because you are branded as a map-based plugin suite. If you were to rebrand GD as an overall directory plugin family, you would get a lot more people finding it who are seeking a non address based listing option.

    Perhaps moving all non location related functionality into an add-on is a way to avoid the bloat you are referring to?

    Anyhow, for this particular project, I’m throwing in the towel and giving up on GD. It’s just too hard for me and I don’t have the budget to hire a developer to walk me through everything.

    Instead, I’m going to go for a combination of a BuddyPress dating/community theme, related plugins and WP Events Manager. I think this will be able to achieve much of what I want without any coding.

    I’ll be coming back to GD for another project which will basically just use everything for what it’s designed for. I’ll be part of the 99% then and we’ll get along fine.


    Post count: 29970

    Helloyoga, I did explain how to use Non location based listings in my previous post, without any coding at all: I’ll repost in case you missed it:

    1. Use Places and Events CPT
    2. Turn off maps and locations: GD > general > general > Select CPT to disable physical location > pick Events and Places
    3. You can (but don’t have to) now add custom fields called country, state and city, OR
    4. Categorize (optional) your teachers by creating categories referring to country, state and region.

    Please let me know if you need more clarification.


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Guust,

    Thank you for highlighting that again and bringing it to my attention.

    GD might be useful in this way for non location based listings that are websites or other items.

    However, I’m thinking that GD is probably not going to work well for a directory of professionals because the user profile and the listing will be separate entities and will confuse site visitors.

    It might make more sense to use BuddyPress, customize the profile fields and add ability to filter searches on the BP Members page. However, the only thing missing will be the ability to allow the user to pay for their profile featured. But, that’s another discussion.

    I noticed that the Kleo BP theme supports GD.

    This might offer a solution for people seeking to show both location-based listings via GD and a searchable directory of professional profiles via BP.

    I think there’s a job here for somebody who can see these options and use cases from a business owner’s point of view and create some kind of guide for low-tech people like me. Currently, all your content is focused on features rather than use cases. It would be a hassle to do, but it might save you from having to deal with inquiries like mine later on.


    Post count: 29970

    I cannot see any reason why all the professional’s information cannot be contained in the listing, and why you would have or need a separate profile.

    And GD users use GD in heaps of different ways, and we are here to assist you in understanding how GD can be applied to your business case, so you can decide if GD can work for you. That’s no hassle at all, and that’s why we are here.


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Guust,

    I cannot see any reason why all the professional’s information cannot be contained in the listing, and why you would have or need a separate profile.

    Yes, this is what I want to avoid.

    So, if I use only BuddyPress, then I can have a searchable directory of professionals like this:

    I want to use BP because of its social functionality. And, I want to use GD because of its ability to allow featured listings. However, if I use BP + GD, then the professionals will have both a GD listing and a BP profile. The GD listing was posted and is owned by the BP user profile. This would be confusing in the case of a site about professionals.

    However, in the case of non-humans (places, websites, software packages, etc.), then having GD + BP would make sense. Because then we can enjoy the social aspects of BP and interact regarding the GD listings.

    However, please correct me if I am missing something.

    …we are here to assist you in understanding how GD can be applied to your business case, so you can decide if GD can work for you. That’s no hassle at all, and that’s why we are here.

    Thank you very much. So, what would you recommend for the following business case?


    Domain (purchased):

    Tagline: “Connecting Yogis Worldwide”

    Target Audience:

    1. Yoga practitioners of all levels want to do the following:
    – Find the ideal yoga teacher
    – Find a yoga event (classes, workshops, teacher trainings, retreats, etc.)
    – Book and pay for an event

    2. Yoga teachers want to do the following:
    – Attract more fans/followers
    – Gain more exposure and traffic to their website
    – Get more attendees to their events

    Header navigation provides these choices:
    – Teachers (no address, but does have Country, State, City)
    – Classes (standard GD event listing style)
    – Workshops (standard GD event listing style)
    – Teacher Training (standard GD event listing style)
    – Retreats (standard GD event listing style)

    Teacher Search Filters:
    – Country
    – State
    – City
    – Yoga styles taught
    – Yoga practices taught
    – Teaching language
    – Private lessons available

    Event Search Filters:
    – Country
    – State
    – City
    – Yoga styles taught
    – Yoga practices taught
    – Teaching language
    – Shower available



    Post count: 29970

    1. CPT for teachers without address
    Custom fields:
    – Country
    – State
    – City
    – Yoga styles taught
    – Yoga practices taught
    – Teaching language
    – Private lessons available

    2. CPT venues or places
    with maps, custom fields like Shower available

    3. CPT events
    CAtegories: classes , workshops, training, retreats

    Advantage of teachers as CPT is that they can be searched from the same search as the other CPTs.


    So a user would join.
    If they are a teacher they create a teacher listing (includes link to BP profile)
    It they teach at a local centre, they add a listing to the venue CPT (includes link to BP profile)
    (some teachers do classes at various locations)
    Then they add classes to the event listings (includes link to BP profile)
    All of it links back to the BP profile and from there it links to all listings from the teacher/user.They can engage there in conversations.

    PS: Book and pay for an event is not available yet

    A site that might interest you is at


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Thanks, Guust.

    Not being able to book and pay for an event is a deal breaker.

    I’ll be looking around for other alternatives…
    Might come back to GD if I can’t find anything better…

    Any thoughts on possibly integrating GD with one of the top event plugins?


    Post count: 29970

    As far as I know there are no other event plugins that lets users book at places listed by users.
    Some will let you book if you run a site for one venue, but not for venues listed by others.
    Let us know if you find one.



    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Hi Guust,

    Thank you for the explanation.

    Where can I see a demo of Geodirectory Events Add-on?

    I have tried but it doesn’t seem to have any events in the system.


    Post count: 29970

    Post count: 29970

    Or you can try it for yourself at


    Free User
    Post count: 48

    Thank you very much.

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