Hi support team,
I am looking for a way to remove date and author data on some post or pages i.e. on this page, to remove date and author.
I also reviewed the forum and found this old thread https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/how-to-remove-date-and-author-on-pages/
But now I am wondering if there is an easier much lighter way, i.e. if there is a setting may now existing in child theme or elsewhere to do the same.
Also I searched for plugins to do the same and found this WP author, date and meta remover plugin may can help, but I already have a huge amount of plugins running and do not want to harm Geodirectory from work.
Therefore I kindly ask you for help because I need your help for may solving things without additional plugin to be installed.
Looking forward to hear from you.
BR, Alex