I am trying to remove the login/ sign up buttons that appear in the header when user is not logged in.
I copied header.php from the whoop theme into my active theme located at Themes > GeoDirectory_whoop > geodirectory.
I then deleted the following else statement, saved and uploaded it but I still see the buttons when i’m not logged in. I have cleared gd booster cache several times but no luck. Did I do something wrong?
<?php } else {
<div class="whoop-account">
<ul class="whoop-signup-btns">
<a href="<?php echo apply_filters('geodir_signup_reg_form_link', geodir_login_url(array('signup'=>true))); ?>" class="whoop-btn whoop-btn-primary whoop-signup-btn">
<?php echo __('Sign Up', GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK); ?>
<a class="whoop-login-btn" href="<?php echo geodir_login_url(); ?>">
<?php echo __('Log In', GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK); ?>