How to SEO for slider-pictures?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simone 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 52


    where can I edit the pictures titles and descriptions for to optimize them for SEO. Is it to do before uploading?

    Thank You!



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello Peter, the title is taken from the filename before uploading.
    All is handled by WordPress so I believe changing the details from the Media settings in WordPress will do the trick, theoretically.

    Free User
    Post count: 52


    sometimes all my pictures disapear without a reason. The sliders content is empty. And I cannot find the uploaded pictures in the WP media collection. Have yopu got any tip?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hi, “sometime” means that reloading the page it reload the content, or in a listing the images are always missing?

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    And there is another question:
    I want users to upload an logo of there business. It should have been displayed in the right details-page-sidebar as a picture. As I use the custom-field “upload” the picture is automaticly displayed as a thumbnail. I need it – naturally – in the original size. And where can I find the uploaded pictures? (This question ist similiar to my question above).



    Free User
    Post count: 52

    The images disapear from one moment to the next. In the details page and in listings-pages too. Yes, after reloading…


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    In order to check whats going on with the missing images, could you please post your url and login details in a private reply?

    Free User
    Post count: 52
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hi, there is no Facebook pile in any widget,also, I tried different times to reload the listing and I always see the images, is there a specific listing where it gives the error?

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I know that there is no Facebook-pile in GD-widgets. I tried to insert it as an iframe using a textarea custom field as I already wrote.

    Pictures disappear while editing the custom post type.
    Ok. Where can I find the pictures I uploaded im AddListings page?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    once you publish a listing, you will find the images in the media page (wordpress) and so in wp-content/uploads. By the way, the plugin Visual bakery is creating conflicts, I wasn’t able to publish a test listing with that plugin enabled.

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Ok, that is critical situation. I love to use Visual Bakerys Composer.
    Can You please explain what kind of conflicts it is creating? How to avoid them without disabeling the Composer?

    Maybe it is better to split my WP installation into to several sites? For that is there any posibility to easyly copy the whole WP installation? After that I would link both systems so a User cannot see it. Is that a solution?

    And there is another question yet:
    I want users to upload a logo from theire company. It should have been displayed in the details-page-sidebar as a picture. As I use the custom-field “upload” the picture is automaticly displayed as a thumbnail. I need it in the original size.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    I dont know exactly what’s going (or how to fix it) ,it is a javascript conflict I guess.

    About the logo showing a thumbnail you can try to add this in the style.css inside your child theme folder,

    .geodir-custom-post-gallery {

    but it could have consequences in other GD galleries, maybe.

    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I will install it in an whole new installation an seperate it clearly from the other content. Its better.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    You can deactivate Visual Composer for the post type gd_place, go in your settings and untick “gd_place”

    edit: i’ve disabled it for you, and tested the iframe (look into the other topic)

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