How to setup the new gd-homepage – instructions needed

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi support team,

    I need some info to make clear in > what and how to setup the new homepage settings.
    I am struggling in what information and where to place, because this seems not to work proper… I want that when someone is implementing the main domain address to come to the gd page where all listings are shown (as formerly given)

    I assume you have enabled the new homepage function to enable a better SEO possibility, because formerly for the main site this was not enabled to add Title or content into a Page to be used for homepage information

    But now I need an instruction or setup information to make clear what to do… Best would be a short introduction tutorial.

    Find here a screen shot of where I am struggling with

    Screen shot – > Questions about content & settings…
    Screen shot 2 – > How to change – Title & Description for GD Homepage. Now it is using “Hello World” Post???

    Regards, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035


    What content need to be filled in to these pages and do I need all of them? (Did not setup them it was made by Steofan and by click on “GD Tools > GD pages check > RUN)

    Screen Shot 3 –

    GD Home
    GD Home Page

    Please advice what to fill in and which need to delete because of may double use…

    Regards, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Alex,

    Proper settings for having GD as the homepage would be:
    #1 GD>Design>Set geodirectory home page as your home. UNTICK this (it is depreciated)
    #2 GD>Permalinks>GD Home page. set the page to be used as homepage.
    #3 Settings>Reading>Front page. Set this as the same page as #2.

    For the blog page, just create a page and assign it as the blog page.

    As for the title/description and slug of the homepage, the title is only used as the meta title if no setting exists in the GD>Titles & Metas>Homepage meta title. The description and slug are not used.

    You don’t really have to add any info to the GD pages, they mostly add their own info.
    The GD info page is used for displaying things like confirmation messages etc like a claim listing conformation link message.

    Hopefully i covered everything, if not please ask.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan,

    thanks for clearance…

    I deleted the double “gd home” page which had the folder >>gd-homepage and use now only the “gd home” which has not other subfolder > and hope this is ok.

    I also used this instructions from worldpress for static settings.

    Regards, Alex

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