Hi Alex,
Proper settings for having GD as the homepage would be:
#1 GD>Design>Set geodirectory home page as your home. UNTICK this (it is depreciated)
#2 GD>Permalinks>GD Home page. set the page to be used as homepage.
#3 Settings>Reading>Front page. Set this as the same page as #2.
For the blog page, just create a page and assign it as the blog page.
As for the title/description and slug of the homepage, the title is only used as the meta title if no setting exists in the GD>Titles & Metas>Homepage meta title. The description and slug are not used.
You don’t really have to add any info to the GD pages, they mostly add their own info.
The GD info page is used for displaying things like confirmation messages etc like a claim listing conformation link message.
Hopefully i covered everything, if not please ask.