How to use mailchimp in wpGeoDirectory

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  openmindtrips 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 36

    How to use mailchimp in wpGeoDirectory?


    Free User
    Post count: 14


    Please make your requirement more clear. e.g. how do u want to use Mailchimp?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 180


    Can customized mail templates from mailchimp be used with gd? I would like to add things like our logo, link to facebookpage etc., and also use mailchimp’s statistics and send our newsletter through mailchimp in wp. Will that be possible with GD?


    Post count: 188

    There’s some things that MailChimp is good for, and others it’s not.

    There is a MailChimp plugin that you could add to your site to collect people’s email for newsletters. It should work great with GD and is how MailChimp is meant to be used.

    It’s expressly against MailChimp’s Terms of Service for you to export your list of emails (listing owners or whatever) and then import it into MailChimp to then send out a bunch of emails. That’ll get you banned.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Unless they have specifically signed up to an email list on your site? If your T&C include consent to receive newsletters then is there a problem?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 180

    Thanks for your answers 🙂

    Do you also know if it is possible to use templates from mailchimp with GD, such as to welcome new listing owners, notify them about a pending approval for their listing etc?


    Post count: 188

    For sending notices to new owners, you’d want to look at, a companion service to MailChimp. MailChimp keeps lists and lets you send to the lists. Mandrill is called a “transactional” email service and is better suited for these 1 time sends. There is a WP plugin for Mandrill.

    It’s free for up to 12,000 emails per month and you can import your MailChimp templates, but it usually requires a bit of tweaking.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 180

    Hi guys

    Just wanted to know if any of you have had experiences with using the Mandrill app for customization of GD mails (e.g. listing approvals etc) as Jeff describes? I wish to customize the design for those automatic GD mails, and I am wondering how it will work with Mandrill.


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