Hi Adrian, it is a little bit tricky, but you can edit this and make it work:
open listing-listview.php in /wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/geodirectory_templates
find this block
if (round((int)$distance,2) == 0){
$uom = get_option('geodir_search_dist_2');
$distance = geodir_calculateDistanceFromLatLong ($startPoint,$endPoint,$uom);
echo round($distance).' '.$uom.'<br />';
echo round($distance,2).' '.$uom.'<br />';
it’s between row 77 and 86
replace this block with
if (round((int)$distance,2) == 0){
$uom = get_option('geodir_search_dist_2');
$distance = geodir_calculateDistanceFromLatLong ($startPoint,$endPoint,$uom);
echo round($distance).' '.$uom.' from '.$_REQUEST['snear'].' <br />';
echo round($distance,2).' '.$uom.' from <br />';
You will have the result, as per seen on the screenshot (tested on my demo site)
Sidenote: the modification needs to be redone if a GD update will be released.