I added a new tab. Now to organize…

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Hello ,

    I added a new Tab per your instructions and now I went to reorganize according to your instructions. This obviously didn’t work because I need to account for the new tab. Can you guide me on this?



    Post count: 29970

    How did you add the new tab?
    Are these the instructions you followed?
    WP admin details please if you want us to have a check.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 32
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    I think it didn’t work because I added a custom tab. I researched a lot.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Can you please paste your function here? Thx

    p.s. and FYI : this is a customization, we provide tutorials to make similar changes, but we don’t debug your custom code on your behalf as part of support here. If you want to modify how the plugin works, you are supposed to know how to debug a function.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 32
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    1st thing that I notice is that this :

    $new_tab_array['related_listing'] = $tab_array['specials'];// set in new array
    unset($tab_array['specials']);//unset in old one

    should be

    $new_tab_array['special'] = $tab_array['specials'];// set in new array
    unset($tab_array['specials']);//unset in old one

    Let us know,


    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thanks for looking..

    Nothing changed at all. What am I missing here?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    there are 2 big mistakes.

    1st The comment


    was not closed with a / and all code below wasn’t excecuted.

    2nd you were using 2 hooks/functions to add and reorder tabs and both have the same names:

    add_filter(‘geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend’, ‘geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend’) ;
    function geodir_detail_page_tab_list_extend($tab_array)
    // code here 

    While you only needed 1 hook/function to add and reorder tabs at once, by adding the code below where ever u want it in the function to re-order tabs and deleting the 1st function to add the tab:

    $new_tab_array['specials'] = array( 
              'heading_text' =>  __('$10 LUNCH! Menu',GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN),
              'is_active_tab' => false,
              'is_display' =>  apply_filters('geodir_detail_page_tab_is_display', true, 'specials'),
              'tab_content' => ''

    Needs to be $new_tab_array.

    I’ve added it correctly to your website. Next time for a similar customization you should directly post in the Jobs forum.

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thank you for your help! I notice two things now.

    #1 for some reason, my “review” tab is empty.

    #2 while I selected my first tab to be active, I can’t seem to disable the profile tab from being active.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    1 ) GeoDirectory listings are wordpress custom post types and reviews are comments, so the plugin “Simple No Comment” will not work for your needs, unless it allows to select for which post type comments are disabled.

    2 ) You need to unset the post_profile tab from being active.

    $new_tab_array['post_profile'] = $tab_array['post_profile']; // set in new array
    unset($tab_array['post_profile']);//unset in old one


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