I can't get the category top description to show
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May 10, 2014 at 8:56 am #1653
Hi Stroudsco
At the moment the plugin category archives is still calling the standard WordPress category description.
You can download my plugin CategoryTinymce from WordPress and that gives you tinymce and shortcode abilities to the default description box.
I stopped support for the free plugin at wp3.9 but the top description still works. It might be a suitable stop gap measure until this plugin is fixed and then you just need to cut and paste across.
May 10, 2014 at 4:17 pm #1706Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your post buddy, I tried it but got the following results in the attached file.
Im with wpengine who do an auto update to all sites, this was done yesterday, so I’m not sure if its the new WP version which has caused the problem in the picture.
As you can see when putting in a single image, it repeats the image at the top of the page as well.
It wouldn’t run the meta slider at all.
Thanks anyway, Vika’s any news sir?
May 10, 2014 at 4:20 pm #1707Forgot to add the picture…
May 10, 2014 at 4:50 pm #1712Hi stroudsco
THat’s strange that all the formatting works ok but the shortcodes doesn’t. There must be something in the geodirectory plugin that takes the do shortcode filter out.
If you are using metaslider then you can use the php tag to display the images.
You need to add the template tags to geodirectory-templates > listing-gridview.php and listing-listview.
At the top of the page before the first
- is an option.
I use adrotate and while the shortcode does not work the template tag
<?php echo adrotate_group(1); ?>
This is the test I did – http://naturesites.co.uk/places/national-nature-reserves/
Obviously it is best if the category description works but it is a possible option till the developers have sorted out all the bugs in the plugin.
May 10, 2014 at 4:58 pm #1713Actually change that,
put your template tags in the geodir-listing.php file just under the term description.
May 10, 2014 at 5:02 pm #1714even better – to get the shortcodes to work in the normal wordpress category description:
open geodir-listing.php and at about line 50 you will find:
<div class="term_description"><?php _e( wpautop(wptexturize($current_term->description)), GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN ) ; ?></div>
change it to:
<div class="term_description"><?php _e( wpautop(wptexturize(do_shortcode($current_term->description))), GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN ) ; ?></div>
and you should be able to run shortcodes.
May 10, 2014 at 5:12 pm #1717Thanks Kevin,
Testing it now, noticed you still have a ” /> in the top left of the demo screen?
Cheers Again sir!
May 10, 2014 at 5:29 pm #1721Hi Dave
It will need a bit more work as it looks like all the line breaks and paragraphs are being stripped.
There may also be a need for a condtional because if you visit my home page you’ll see the ad being displayed as part of the popular posts lists.
I’m guessing that popular posts list is actually the category with the most listings being displayed.
But as a short term solution until geodirectory sorts it out I guess it is passable.
May 10, 2014 at 5:35 pm #1724Hi Kevin,
Thanks so much!
This is the one thing i needed to work over everything.
I will do some further testing and let you know but some far its looking good 🙂
May 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm #1725Hi Kevin
Got it working with a meta slider and looking good, I found you have to save it within the plain text area, if you save it with any text in the visual area it breaks the slider and the text – it also repeats the content at the top of the page.
This is the same problem I’m having with the places listing box.
Image with it happy and wiring below thanks again buddy.
May 10, 2014 at 6:02 pm #1726opps
May 12, 2014 at 6:47 am #1795Hi,
I have fixed this bug. It will work fine in next release.
May 14, 2014 at 9:07 am #2009Now description works, but the %location_name% parameter is not working:
May 14, 2014 at 9:34 am #2010Hi,
This location description does not work like the Geotheme. Right now none of the variables are available.
I will introduce them later.May 14, 2014 at 11:01 am #2017Ok, you left the Geotheme label below the Category Top Description:
“This will appear at the top of the category lsiting. Use %location_name% to show the current locations name.”
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